Friday, October 29, 2010

How to Identify Environmental Aspects

Environmental aspects are defined as any activity, product, process or service in your business that interacts with the environment. Typically, we think of these as having negative impacts on air, land or water but in some cases it could be positive. Every business today needs to have a systematic approach to identifying aspects and determining those that have significant impacts on the environment.

When implementing the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System an organization is required to have a process documented for identifying aspects (4.3.1, ISO 14001:1996). Remember, we are dealing with any aspect of our products, processes or services that can interact with the environment.

The steps to identifying them include:

1. Have a team of knowledgeable people review each process, product or service for potential interaction with the environment. (Don't forget utilities and maintenance.)

2. Draw a box diagram or flow chart of your processes and identify where interactions with air, land or water can or do take place.

3. Walk around the facility looking for potential interactions with the environment.

4. Record these in a logical and simple manner, for example a spreadsheet will work in most cases.

5. Review these with the team and then move on to the next phase of determining significance.

6. Document your process for identifying aspects in a controlled procedure.

When investigating all areas of your business, be sure to consider maintenance processes and equipment as well as your manufacturing systems. In some businesses, such as an on-site repair service clean-up and waste disposal may be significant.

In any case, be thorough and pay attention to all areas of the business. After you have identified the aspects, determining those that are significant becomes a priority. Establish a quantifiable methodology, if practical. This will enable you to focus efforts on minimizing the impacts associated with the significant interactions with the environment.

Davis M. Woodruff, PE, CMC is an internationally recognized consultant, professional speaker and author who is an expert in showing companies how to be the low cost, high quality, environmentally responsible leader in their industry. The benefits he brings to his clients include: developing leaders; optimizing resource utilization; improving processes, quality and customer satisfaction; and saving time and $$$. Since 1984 he has served clients in 35 states and on 3 continents. Davis is the author of a full length book Taking Care of the Basics: 101 Success Factors for Managers, and dozens of published articles. He is a 1972 Engineering graduate of Auburn University, a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and Professional Engineer (PE). His consulting firm, Management Methods based in Decatur, AL, is now in its third decade. Davis can be reached at or for more information visit

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